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  • The Kosher Kitchen - Feuereisen Edition

The Kosher Kitchen - Feuereisen Edition

A Practical Guide
Autor: Binyomin Forst
SKU: 14314
Avaliação geral:

Explains the basic principles of kashrus and their practical ramifications, showing us how to avoid problematic situations and how to recognize halachic questions and ask them correctly.

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The Essential Book for Every Jewish Home

Rabbi Binyomin Forst is a master at explaining halachah in a readable, understandable, and practical manner. In The Kosher Kitchen he explains the basic principles of kashrus and their practical ramifications, showing us how to avoid problematic situations and how to recognize halachic questions and ask them correctly.

This beautiful gift edition features: Magnificent two color printing, art quality acid free paper, deluxe padded cover, head-gilded pages, and a ribbon marker.

Among the many topics discussed:

·         A utensil-by-utensil overview of the kitchen

·         The special status of parve foods in halachah

·         Common kashrus problems - recognizing, avoiding, and dealing with them

·         Microwaves, ovens and dishwashers

·         Non-Jewish housekeepers and cleaning help

·         The parameters of Pas Akum, Chalav Akum, and Gevinas Akum

·         Kashering utensils

·         A comprehensive ´tevilah' chart showing which utensils need immersion

The Kosher Kitchen: Practical. Comprehensive. And absolutely vital.

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